HANDS on News
Volunteering at international FLL Events
by Stefanie Sieber
This year there are several international FIRST LEGO League Competitions closing the FLL Season finally and we are allowed to qualify FLL teams from our final:
World Festival (WF): St. Louis, USA, 26-29 April, 2017
Open European Championship (OEC): Aarhus, Denmark, 25-28 May, 2017
Open International Championship (OIC): Bath, UK, 21-25 June, 2017
Asia Pacific Open Championship (APOC): Sydney, Australia, July, 2017
For those events volunteers are always welcome who want to experience FLL internationally and e.g. join as referees or judges. Who is around at the time of the events may volunteer there. You should be aware that mostly travel and accommodation costs can not be taken over but in many cases the event catering is included. If interested just get in touch with the local organizers or take a look at the event websites in the ‚volunteer‘ section.