Competitions full of enthusiasm
Experience technology up close
Tension right up to the end
Working together for success

Support Teams and Classes as a Mentor!

Share your expertise and help a team or class reach their full potential. Whether you have experience with the FIRST LEGO League or are a professional in areas such as marketing, programming, or agile methodologies – we need you!

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Shaping the Future Together: Online Meetup in BarCamp Format

Are you ready to shape the future of the FIRST LEGO League and connect with other enthusiasts from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland? Then you can't miss this event. We are excited to invite you to the FIRST LEGO League Meetup 2024 on October 26, 2024!

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FIRST LEGO League Coach Receives Teaching Award

Günther Schön, a dedicated teacher and FIRST LEGO League coach at Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium in Ludwigshafen, has been honored with the German Teaching Award 2023 for his exemplary work in the robotics club. This recognition of his work as a teacher and robotics coach (since 2008) highlights his commitment to fostering students and emphasizes the importance of the educational program for their personal and professional development.

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