
HANDS on News

Virtual info event: Experience FIRST LEGO League up close!

by Stefanie Sieber

Discover the fascinating world of FIRST LEGO League at our regular virtual info event, which will now take place every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 4 pm. The next event is on January 17, 2024.

This 45-minute event is particularly aimed at newcomers and anyone who wants to find out more about the FIRST LEGO League. Find out everything you need to know about the challenges, benefits of participation for children and young people, funding opportunities and the simple application process. Gain insights into the content and process of the educational program.

Feel free to share this message with people who might be a perfect fit for our FIRST LEGO League community. Together we can spread the excitement of science, technology and teamwork. We look forward to welcoming many interested parents and teachers virtually on January 17th or at one of the next dates! You can find more information about participation and dates here.

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