
HANDS on News

HANDS on office news and upcoming events

Now it really gets going: With three competitions at the same time all the HANDS on staff are busy. In FIRST LEGO League so far around 620 teams have registered and we have pasted, addressed and sent around 511 packages. There is a chance to register no later than October 11th 2015.

To prepare our referee the best for the new season, we organize an online training by the end of October. All referees are invited to come by in Leipzig to our live training. With our newly developed test all referees can check their knowledge. The link will soon be released. For the jury, we have also a test online from the end of October.

The involvement of our regional partners is very important to us, therefore we are currently providing a platform for exchange and networking. First steps towards collaboration showed those looking for a fun and challenging Team - many regional partners contributed their ideas. So we now start to wrap up 60 packages with all competitive materials such as certificates, trophies and medals in order to ship it scheduled.

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