HANDS on News

FIRST® LEGO® League Final in Bregenz – the best 27 Teams
by Stefanie Sieber
On March 29th and 30th the big FIRST® LEGO® League Final Central Europe is taking place at Festival Hall Bregenz (AT). Preparations are running at top speed together with our partner HTL Bregenz. Everybody interested is welcome to join the international Final Central Europe and share the thrill with the teams! More details are available on the Final website and in our (German) Press Release – which may be used and shared! We will report live on both tournament days in a Facebook-Event and on Instagram. On our Youtube Chanel will be a live streaming for everybody not able to join on Saturday March 30th 2019 running during Opening Ceremony (8.30–9.30 a.m.) and during Robot Games, the best Research Projects and Awarding Ceremony (between 1 and 7.15 p.m.).