HANDS on News

Big FLL Final Central Europe in Regensburg (D)
by Stefanie Sieber
The FLL Teams have researched and tinkered their robots for four month. The effort was worth it! 250 students out of over 6500 challenge participants made it to the big final of the educational program FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL). On Mar 3rd and 4th the FLL Final is happening at OTH Regensburg (Technical University of Applied Sciences) with the best 24 teams from 7 countries coming together celebrating science and technology. Visitors are welcome and have free admission. Most important details about the event are online. We have planned exciting activities e.g. a Live Challenge for all teams, a FIRST LEGO League Junior exhibition etc. etc. etc. Come on and see yourself! For everybody that can´t join us on site follow our Facebook reports during the event or on join the Livestreaming on Saturday on YouTube starting with the Opening from 9 to 9.30 a.m. and from noon showing the Robot Game Rounds, the best Research Projects and later the Award Ceremony.