
HANDS on News

Apply by November, 21 for GetIT, a new STEM support program with a special focus on girls

Our partner initiative "MINT Zukunft schaffen!" ("STEM initiative") is launching an exciting program, called GetIT, together with Future Foundations in the school year 2020/21 to promote IT and digital skills among students. They will be able to exchange ideas with inspiring female executives in the IT industry and develop their skills, i.a. by developing an app.

A special focus is placed on the advancement of girls: Only 25% of IT jobs today are filled by girls. The program aims to challenge gender stereotypes and show girls the opportunities offered by the technology industry. The program is aimed at students aged 12 to 14, and at least half of the team members must be girls.

The program, which has already been successfully launched in the UK and Ireland, is being conducted flexibly and exclusively virtually due to the current situation, and the effort required of teachers is not high. This is a great project! Spots are limited, so check it out and apply now!

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