News & Events

News about the non-profit HANDS on TECHNOLOGY and its projects.

Support Teams and Classes as a Mentor!

Share your expertise and help a team or class reach their full potential. Whether you have experience with the FIRST LEGO League or are a professional in areas such as marketing, programming, or agile methodologies – we need you!

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Shaping the Future Together: Online Meetup in BarCamp Format

Are you ready to shape the future of the FIRST LEGO League and connect with other enthusiasts from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland? Then you can't miss this event. We are excited to invite you to the FIRST LEGO League Meetup 2024 on October 26, 2024!

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FIRST LEGO League Coach Receives Teaching Award

Günther Schön, a dedicated teacher and FIRST LEGO League coach at Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium in Ludwigshafen, has been honored with the German Teaching Award 2023 for his exemplary work in the robotics club. This recognition of his work as a teacher and robotics coach (since 2008) highlights his commitment to fostering students and emphasizes the importance of the educational program for their personal and professional development.

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Sustainable STEM Education in Numbers and Facts

For over 20 years, HANDS on TECHNOLOGY has been passionately dedicated to improving STEM education at both school and extracurricular learning venues. Our central STEM education program, the FIRST LEGO League, is constantly reviewed, documented, and optimized to best meet the needs of our target groups. In the fiscal year 2023, our projects have made a significant contribution to the sustainable development of our society, as documented in our impact report.

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Funding Opportunities for Schools Available

We are increasingly committed to supporting educational institutions, especially in rural areas. Thanks to the generous support from sponsors and partners, we have the opportunity to comprehensively equip primary and secondary schools this season. These teams and classes will have the chance to become thoroughly familiar with our educational program without having to worry about funding.

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Your Opinion Matters: Social Media Survey

We would like to learn how you perceive us on social media and what you would like to see from us. Please take a moment to participate in our short survey and help us improve our social media presence!

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Become part of our team in Leipzig!

We are looking for active support to drive forward our STEM education program FIRST LEGO League in Leipzig! As a Manager for Sponsorship and Cooperation, you will have the unique opportunity to actively participate in our mission: To give children and young people the chance to discover technical and scientific topics through play. The position is advertised for 35-40 hours per week and is initially limited to one year.

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Together for strong STEM education since 22 years

Since our foundation in 2002, we have been successfully promoting STEM education and organizing research and robotics competitions for children and young people. Our focus is not only on teaching technical skills, but also on promoting the ability to use technology sensibly, develop independent thinking, communicate ideas effectively and create harmonious cooperation. Not only the 10 employees in the office, but also 35 volunteer members are actively involved in the implementation and promotion of our association's activities. In addition, many other volunteers make a significant contribution in the areas of competitions, exhibitions and other events, without which our work would be unthinkable.

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Didacta 2024: HANDS on TECHNOLOGY on the road to success for education

The HANDS on TECHNOLOGY management team was actively involved at Didacta 2024 in Cologne. We exchanged ideas with many of our existing and potential partners and talked about joint education initiatives. It was really inspiring to see how the education sector is progressing and what innovative ideas are being developed to make learning more exciting for you children and young people.

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Funds from "Educational Opportunities" for schools in rural areas

We are increasingly committed to promoting STEM and digitalization in rural areas. Thanks to the generous support of the "Educational Opportunities" lottery, we have the opportunity to equip three classes each in elementary school and secondary schools in the coming season. This will enable these pupils to take part in our innovative "FIRST LEGO League in the classroom" format to get started with the educational program in their school.

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Come to the FIRST LEGO League final

The long-awaited final of the FIRST LEGO League Germany, Austria and Switzerland 2024 will take place in picturesque Davos this year! The highest city in Europe is considered a center for innovation and knowledge exchange because of the World Economic Forum, among other things. Be there when the 25 best Challenge Teams and 6 creative Explore Teams from Germany, Austria and Switzerland present their groundbreaking results and turn Davos into the beating heart of the LEGO robotics world for two days!

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Success for our project: Third place at the ITEC Cares Award!

Our "Girls for STEM - FIRST LEGO League" project was awarded third place in the "Social Commitment" category at the ITEC Cares Award of the IT Executive Club e.V.. Kristina Hagen accepted the award on February 22 at the Grand Elysée Hotel Hamburg. A big thank you to the IT-Executive Club e.V., our prize sponsor Martin Krill from HAGER Executive Consulting GmbH and all other supporters.

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Annual review 2023 & outlook 2024: Awakening enthusiasm together!

This year, we were able to inspire more children and young people than ever before with our STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education programs. We are proud to announce that a total of 20,000 pupils actively participated in 940 teams and 435 classes. This would not have been possible without the support of over 70 partners from education, business and science. Together, we are committed to promoting our educational programs regionally to inspire the next generation to embrace technology and innovation.

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RoboCup Junior: New chapter from 2024 for HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V.

Looking back on an eventful past, we will no longer be organizing RoboCup Junior in Berlin from 2024. Our sincere thanks go to all the teams, mentors and supporters who have made RoboCup Junior a source of inspiration for creativity, innovation and teamwork.

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Virtual info event: Experience FIRST LEGO League up close!

Discover the fascinating world of FIRST LEGO League at our regular virtual info event, which will now take place every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 4 pm. The next event is on January 17, 2024.

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FIRST LEGO League Final 2024: Volunteers welcome!

The time is coming soon! From April 13 to 14, 2024, the impressive FIRST LEGO League Final for Germany, Austria and Switzerland will take place at the Davos Congress Center (CH). Together with our partners, the Pädagogische Hochschule Graubünden, the Fachhochschule Graubünden and the Evangelische Mittelschule Schiers, we will celebrate the fascinating world of STEM and robotics.

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Support FIRST LEGO League regional events

You can also help out as a volunteer at regional events! Whether as a judge or referee for FIRST LEGO League Challenge or as a reviewer for Explore - your support is crucial to the success of these inspiring events. Your contribution as a volunteer is not only a support for the participants, but also a unique opportunity to experience the enthusiasm for science and technology up close.

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Support our educational work: Christmas donations for HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V.

During this festive period, we would like to appeal to you to support our educational work with your Christmas donations. Your generous contributions make a significant contribution to further developing our work and inspiring even more young people for the world of science and technology. Your donations will enable us to expand programs, provide resources and give more young minds access to the fascinating world of robotics and technology.

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Recap of the Interactive IFA Technology Playground

From September 1st to 5th, we presented our interactive IFA Technology Playground at the Berlin Messe. Every day from 10 AM to 6 PM, visitors had the unique opportunity to dive into the fascinating world of LEGO robot programming.

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Robot Summer School 2023 Report

Another highlight of the past quarter was undoubtedly our Robot Summer School. Over the course of two weeks, more than 80 participants joined our day workshops to gain a deep insight into the world of programming and get acquainted with our educational program.

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Regional Partners Meeting in Leipzig

Next week, on September 21st and 22nd, we are excited to welcome representatives from our over 70 partner organizations and our key volunteers to Leipzig for the annual Regional Partners Meeting.

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Save the Date for the Virtual FIRST LEGO League Meetup

Lastly, we would like to draw your attention to our virtual FIRST LEGO League Meetup for the community in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. This event aims to collaboratively shape the future of our educational program.

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Registration and Funding Opportunities for FIRST LEGO League

In the world of FIRST LEGO League, there is a flurry of activity! Here are the current registration numbers for our programs:

  • FIRST LEGO League Explore (6 - 10 years): 53 classes and 165 teams.
  • FIRST LEGO League Challenge (9 - 16 years): 401 classes and 632 teams across 63 regions.

Many teams are benefiting from funding we have set up with ministries and companies.

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General Meeting & Board Election

On May 5, 2023 our virtual general meeting took place. Besides looking at facts and figures of the past year and plans for the current year, it was also about the people in the association.

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Impact Report 2022

We are proud to present to you our Impact Report for the year 2022. In this report, we document in detail our work and how we support our goal of sustainable STEM learning in schools and out-of-school educational settings..

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Alumni as Coaches & Volunteers

Our educational programs offer our alumni the opportunity to pass on their knowledge to future generations. You can get involved and volunteer at both RoboCup Junior Berlin and FIRST LEGO League.

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Status of registrations for FIRST LEGO League

Registrations for the FIRST LEGO League education program and the Explore and Challenge offerings have been open since the end of April. Currently, 68 teams and 42 classes have registered for the FIRST LEGO League Explore elementary school program, and 353 classes and 246 teams from secondary schools have registered for FIRST LEGO League Challenge. The MASTERPIECE theme leaves room for creativity among the teams - the detailed tasks will arrive on August 1.

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Online-Event FIRST LEGO League on June 21st

Ihr kennt Leute, die das Bildungsprogramm noch nicht kennen? Empfehlt ihnen unsere Infoveranstaltung am Mittwoch, den 21. Juni 2023, von 16.30 bis 17.30 Uhr! Die Infoveranstaltung bietet SchülerInnen, Eltern, PädagogeInnen oder Interessierten aus anderen Bereichen eine großartige Gelegenheit, sich über die spannenden Möglichkeiten von FIRST LEGO League zu informieren. Wir werden detailliert über die Inhalte und den Ablauf von FIRST LEGO League Explore und Challenge sprechen, Fördermöglichkeiten vorstellen und die nächsten Schritte zur Anmeldung erläutern.

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Robotics workshop offerings in the summer

We are happy to design two exciting events this summer. During the International Consumer Electronics Fair (IFA) in Berlin at the beginning of September, we will be allowed to design an interactive experiment area for visitors on the topic of robotics and FIRST LEGO League.

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Classics Sale

For those looking for FIRST LEGO League Explore and Challenge sets from past seasons, we have good news. We have a great selection of sets from past seasons available in our warehouse sale.

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Volunteer at RoboCup Junior Berlin

Our second educational program RoboCup Junior is entering the sharp phase. On the upcoming weekend, we are organizing the RoboCup Junior qualification tournament Berlin at the Co-Working Space A32 together with our partner Siemens. For this we are still looking for some volunteers to support us as referees on the 11th and 12th of March!

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Final FIRST LEGO League integrated in "Meet the Robots

The final of our biggest educational program FIRST LEGO League will take place within the event "Meet the Robots - Robotics Days Dresden" on March 24th and 25th at Dresden Airport.

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Camera sensors for promotion of young talent

Our longtime supporter Vision Components can provide camera sensors and processor boards for selected student projects free of charge.

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2023

Superpowers are not only needed by Santa Claus, but by all of us again and again for the challenges of everyday life and for the implementation of new plans.

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Counted through: the year in numbers

As the year draws to a close, we've taken a look at what's been going on! 32 members of the association and 10 employees in the office celebrated the anniversary year "Passion for STEM" for the 20th anniversary of the association and successfully implemented our two educational programs FIRST LEGO League and RoboCup Junior. In the process, 2220 cups of coffee were consumed and 120 pizzas were ordered. 63 regional partners, together with 1500 volunteers, accompanied around 13,000 students through the educational programs. In total, at least 2.5 million LEGO bricks were used, 8 hours of raw footage for films were shot and 10,000 emails were sent!

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Donations for a good cause

You would like to support charitable projects at Christmas and the turn of the year? Think of us and make a donation! Even small amounts help to support our work in promoting young STEM talents. For example, you can support single small donations for individual expenses such as power supply for 1 month or the production of new flyers.

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We are transparent

As one of currently 1715 organizations, we support the "Transparent Civil Society Initiative" and thus demonstrate transparency. We have signed the initiative's declaration and summarized and published relevant information about our association.

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Together we promote STEM young talent

We have been active in the education sector for 20 years and have developed many partnerships with companies, foundations and other public bodies that work with us to promote young STEM talent. It makes us proud and happy that this year we can spend more than 600,000 euros on team and class sponsorships and thus support up to 12,000 students in Germany, Austria and Switzerland to participate in the educational program free of charge.

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Help shape the education program at #FLLMeetup22

Do you want to exchange ideas with other FIRST LEGO League enthusiasts from Germany, Austria and Switzerland and help shape the future of the educational program? Then the FIRST LEGO League Meetup on October 28 and 29, 2022 is just the thing for you!

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Meeting and Honoring FIRST LEGO League Regional Partners

Our FIRST LEGO League Regional Partners are the backbone of the educational program. Once a year we meet with them to further develop the educational program. This year, after 2 virtual editions, we were finally back on site in Leipzig and took away many new impulses for the current season.

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Save the date! Final 2022/23 in Dresden

Even though we are still in the middle of the SUPERPOWERED season, the final is already on the horizon. Together with our partner the Association of Saxon Youth Education Organisations (LJBW e.V.), we are looking forward to welcoming FIRST LEGO League teams in Dresden on March 24 and 25, 2023 to celebrate STEM and robotics at the Airport.

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You want to get involved too?

We have been active in youth services for 20 years and design educational programs in the STEM field. There are many ways to get involved with our organization!

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FIRST LEGO League Supporting Program: CARGO CONNECT Building Competition

Our partner Stein Hanse e.V. initiates and organizes a LEGO building contest - in which you can also participate and build your own CARGO CONNECT world! More information about the participation and the process can be found in the official flyer available on our website, which you are welcome to share!

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Funding for educational program

To help disadvantaged schools and new teams, we are once again offering team fundings in cooperation with partner companies. You can apply for the current support offers, such as the Amazon Future Engineer support program, until October 31, 2021.

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Start of registration RoboCup Junior

RoboCup Junior starts into the next round! Registration for the regional tournaments opens on October 15 and is open until the end of November. More information about the registration in Berlin

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FIRST LEGO League Meetup 2021: That was it!

We had great fun exchanging virtual thoughts with FIRST LEGO League partners, coaches and friends at #FLLMeetup21 on September 24 and 25! In 17 barcamp sessions, with an average of 15 participants, we discussed exciting FIRST LEGO League topics together.

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Final, oho! Volunteer, tune in and take part!

The FIRST LEGO League finals for Germany, Austria and Switzerland will of course also take place competely remote this season. You can put Saturday, May 15 in your calendars - that's when we will be celebrating the big final show with you!

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FIRST Global Innovation Award: Show your research project to the entire world

Attention all Challenge Teams: You have researched an innovative solution to a problem? Would you like to share your innovation with everyone and spread the word? Then the FIRST Global Innovation Award is just the right thing for you!

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Back again: Our Off-season Challenge!

Solve a new exciting robot game mission, pitch your innovative solution, inspire others about FIRST LEGO League and win a full scholarship for the next season!

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We want you! Regional partners wanted for FIRST LEGO League Explore and Challenge

The regional events are the highlights of each season - without our fantastic partners FIRST LEGO League would not be possible!

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Meet & Greet Our Teams: Bussibot aus Bussigny, Schweiz

Our Team, the Bussibot, is a public school team based in Bussigny, Switzerland. It began with Hydrodynamics Season with one team of 3 members and 4 years later, there are 4 Challenge teams and 4 Explore teams participating! What a journey!

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We are looking for a enthusiastic project assistant for FIRST LEGO League Challenge

For the development of our STEM education programme FIRST LEGO League Challenge, we are looking for support for our team in Leipzig as soon as possible.

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Save the date: Our next FIRST LEGO League Meetup will be on September 24 and 25

Network, question, learn, develop new ideas, and simply chat: At the Meetup the FIRST LEGO League community to exchange ideas.

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Meet & Greet Our Teams: RoboKings from Frankfurt!

Over the next while, we would like to introduce you to some of the great FIRST LEGO League teams.

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LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 still allowed in FIRST LEGO League after product retirement

LEGO Education will discontinue the entire LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 product line on June, 30 2021. In FIRST LEGO League, the use is of course still allowed, as well as other Mindstorms models and Spike Prime.

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2020/21 FIRST LEGO League season completely remote

The current situation did not allow for anything else: All Explore exhibitions and Challenge tournaments will take place completely remotely in the 2020/21 season.

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FIRST LEGO League events possible until the end of April

In order to give teams more time, we have decided that regional remote exhibitions and tournaments will still be possible until the end of April.

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Remote FIRST LEGO League 2020/21 finals will be big!

For the 2020/21 finals, Challenge Teams can qualify directly from their regional tournament to the finals, there will be no qualifying tournaments.

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Many new FAQs for FIRST LEGO League Challenge

Many questions arise from the current changes, which we answer in our FAQs.

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Closing of registration for 2020/21 FIRST LEGO League season

On November 29 we closed the official registration for the 2020/21 season: Over 180 Explore Teams and over 770 Challenge Teams have registered.

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What is FIRST LEGO League? New explanatory video online

New names and logos, new evaluation system for Challenge - a lot has changed this year, a new explanatory video was needed.

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First remote Explore exhibition in Brandenburg was a big success!

Teams, coaches, moderators, and guests met in the "Virtual Audimax" of the Brandenburg University of Technology on November 27 and experienced a great Explore exhibition despite the difficult conditions.

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Hessian Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs enables 140 teams to participate in the "Challenge - In the classroom" project

28 school classes and AGs with five teams each will start in the next few weeks with our new project "Challenge - In the classroom", funded by the Hessian Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.

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Please share: Great funding opportunities for new FIRST LEGO League teams!

In the last few weeks we have found a few enthusiastic companies that want to enable even more children and young people to participate in FIRST LEGO League.

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New, comprehensive brochure on FIRST LEGO League now available

Our new team brochure presents the most important information about FIRST LEGO League for all (future) coaches, parents, teachers, teams or sponsors.

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Due to Coronavirus pandemic: Cancellation of SIEMENS RoboCup Junior 2021

After many discussions we unfortunately had to cancel our SIEMENS RoboCup Junior Berlin for 2021.

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Apply by November, 21 for GetIT, a new STEM support program with a special focus on girls

Our partner initiative "MINT Zukunft schaffen!" ("STEM initiative") is launching an exciting program, called GetIT, together with Future Foundations in the school year 2020/21 to promote IT and digital skills among students.

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FIRST LEGO League Challenge: Recording of referee training video now available for teams and coaches

After the live online training for all referees of FIRST LEGO League Challenge about the 2020/21 season the video recording is now online on our YouTube channel.

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Flexible implementation of FIRST LEGO League into school curriculums with our new offer "In the classroom"

Already successfully implemented for FIRST LEGO League Explore, our "In the classroom" package is now also available for FIRST LEGO League Challenge.

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Exciting ideas from the community at our #fllmeetup20

On two afternoons we met remotely with regional partners, coaches, alumni and friends of FIRST LEGO League at the Meetup 2020 and everyone was able to contribute their own topics.

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Remote exchange with Challenge teams from Romania

International exchange, straight from your living room or classroom: Together with CRESTEM, the organizers of FIRST LEGO League Romania, we want to bring you in contact with teams from Romania.

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FIRST LEGO League Challenge: Referee training video for Robot Game online soon

Every year we organize a live online training for the referees of FIRST LEGO League Challenge about the new season.

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Questions about the new judging system for FIRST LEGO League Challenge?

Do you have any questions about the new evaluation or the new evaluations sheets? Feel free to contact us at

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FIRST LEGO League Challenge: New judging system

With the 2020/21 RePLAY season all tournaments, may they be on-site, remote oder hybrid, will use the new system for evaluation the teams.

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Partial scholarships LEGO Foundation for Explore and Challenge

Apply now, we have some of the last partial scholarships of the LEGO Foundation left to give out!

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Transregional, remote events for FIRST LEGO League

There might also be teams, that are only allowed to participate remotely. If there is no remote event (yet) in the desired region, you can now register for our transregional, remote events

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FIRST LEGO League Challenge: Replacement for defective Dual Lock sheets in sets

LEGO Education will deliver replacements for the defective 3M Dual Lock sheets soon, that are unfortuantely included in some RePLAY Challenge Sets.

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Join our FIRST LEGO League Meetup 2020 next week!

Sign up for our virtual FIRST LEGO League Meetup on September 17 and 18, we are looking forward to seeing you there!

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FIRST LEGO League: Kickoff! New mission are online

The wait is finally over for the teams: At 6 p.m. sharp we published the new missions for FIRST LEGO League Explore and Challenge!

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Events and preparations for FIRST LEGO League in times of the pandemic

Together with FIRST, LEGO and our Regional Partners we are currently working on alternatives for events that will not be able to take place because of local restrictions.

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HANDS on TECHNOLOGY supports: Scholarships & Co.

Once again this season we offer opportunities for teams that need some financial support to take part in FIRST LEGO League Explore and Challenge.

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FIRST LEGO League Challenge: Check our FAQ regularly!

Over the course of the season there will always be updates posted in our FAQs, in which we answer questions or pass on changes in the rules from FIRST and LEGO.

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FIRST LEGO League: work on virtual options in progress

Virtual, hybride and on-site events: we are currently working on solutions for every situation that could potentially arise from restrictions due to the pandemic.

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#fllmeetup20: FIRST LEGO League Community barcamp

Best practices, questions and answers, sharing and networking: In addition to the regional partners, this year coaches of the 2020/21 season, volunteers, alumni and other friends of FIRST LEGO League are invited to our FIRST LEGO League Meetup 2020 on September 17 and 18.

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New robot sets von LEGO: SPIKE Prime & Robot Inventor

Starting this season, two new LEGO robot sets are allowed in addition to the previous systems: SPIKE Prime and LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor.

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Information on the reduction of VAT

For us, the reduction of the value added tax as of July 1 is a complex situation. After many discussions, we have decided to keep our communicated prices. In our detailed statement you will find the reasons.

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Changes in the Board and in the management team of the head office

At our annual general meeting in May a new five-member Board was elected and there are also changes in the head office.

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New name, new logo: One
FIRST LEGO League with two divisions

Explore and develop together: In FIRST LEGO League, children and young adults find perfect challenges, exciting missions and relevant topics for every age. This is now reflected in the new names and logos.

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COVID-19 pandemic: Planning for possible virtual events

Everyone's health is our top priority, which is why we are currently working on virtual solutions together with our great community and our regional partners.

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FIRST LEGO League: Focus on Germany, Austria and Switzerland

With the 2020/21 FIRST LEGO League season, the association HANDS on TECHNOLOGY will focus on Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

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FIRST LEGO League Final Central Europe cancelled as a precaution

The FIRST LEGO League Final Central Europe was cancelled as a precaution regarding the Covis-19 virus. This was detemined together by the organisers HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V. and the Hochschule Offenburg on Friday, February, 29 2020.

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FIRST LEGO League Saison 2019/20 on the home stretch

All 78 FIRST LEGO League regional tournaments, two of the eight Semi Finals and a large part of the 42 FIRST LEGO League Junior exhibitions have successfully taken place and the first finalists for the FIRST LEGO League Final Central Europe are set!

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Wanted: Partners for FIRST LEGO League & FIRST LEGO League Junior Junior

Our mission is the promotion of young talent in the MINT sector. Our various educational programs inspire children and youth at an early age for science and technology. Unfortunately, in a few regions in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, programs are not yet offered, so we are looking for partners for the new season.

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New as FIRST LEGO League Coach? Come to the NanoGiants workshop!

 "12 Golden Rules for Coaches", the basics of FIRST LEGO League and important tips and tricks for a successful season are offered by the FIRST LEGO League Jumpstart Workshops of the NanoGiants Academy e.V.

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Submit your research project for the FIRST LEGO League Global Innovation Award

Teams that have received a good rating from the research jury at Semi Finals can submit their project for the FIRST LEGO League Global Innovation Award.

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Impact of the FIRST LEGO League

After the last season we asked the coaches how they assess the impact of FIRST LEGO League on children and young people and how we can further improve our programs.

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Attention robot fans: We are looking for volunteers for the Siemens RoboCup Junior qualification

The teams of RoboCup Junior are also busy preparing and programming for the upcoming competitions. We are still looking for volunteers who would like to support the RoboCup Junior event. 

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Support association HANDS on e.V. offers INTO ORBITSM challenge set now at a special price

A good way to bridge the time until the new season and warm up is to play on the mats of past years. The support association of HANDS on TECHNOLOGY now offers the challenge set of the 2018/19 season on the subject of space at a special price

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FIRST® LEGO® League Regionals & FIRST® LEGO® League Junior Exhibitions

The FIRST® LEGO® League regional competitions in Central Europe run until mid-January 2020 and the FIRST® LEGO® League Junior exhibitions until late March – find all dates as download here.  
The evaluations of the individual FIRST® LEGO® League competitions are linked under “Results” on

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Further qualification FIRST® LEGO® League Semis & Final

The best teams of the FIRST® LEGO® League regional competitions qualify for one of the eight semi-finals. From the semi-finals a total of 27 teams qualify for the final FLL Final Central Europe on March 6th–7th, 2020 at the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg

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International FIRST® LEGO® Competitions 2020

From the FIRST® LEGO® League Final Central Europe the teams can get the qualification for several international competitions as the icing on their cake for the season.

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Off-Season Challenge

After the competition there is a long break for many FIRST® LEGO® League teams until it’s “3-2-1 LEGO!" time again. To bridge the time until the next season starts in August 2020, there is now the Off-Season Challenge.

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How does FIRST® LEGO® League affect teams?

We want to know from the teams that have participated in a competition in the CITY SHAPERSM season what effect the individual competition areas have had on the participants. We have developed a small impact survey for this purpose.

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Jumpstart workshops for new coaches 2020

Together with our partner, the non-profit Nano Giants Academy we offer “Jumpstart Workshops” for new FIRST® LEGO® League Coaches in late winter and spring 2020r! All program aspects will be addressed, that the participating coaches need, to set a solid foundation for long-term success of their teams in the first season.

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Supporting HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V.

Supporting our mission the promotion of young talent with a small contribution is quite simple! You can make our daily work for education and the promotion of young talent easier in many ways

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FIRST® LEGO® League registration closed

FIRST® LEGO® League Teams have registered in 77 competitions until mid October - more than ever before! Now they are busy programming and researching until they present their results on the topic CITY SHAPERSM at regional competitions! The first teams will start on Nov 16th, 2019 and the last regional competitions will

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CITY SHAPERSM Questions & Answers

To ensure that everyone is at the same status on the day of the competition, teams, organisers, referees and judges can inform about FIRST® LEGO® League rulings on the season-specific FAQ website. Until the final, we will collect and publish any updates or explanations on

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CITY SHAPERSM referee training for everyone

On Oct 11th we offered the FIRST® LEGO® League referee training in Central Europe exclusively as livestream. The video is now available on our YouTube channel as support for referees, competition organizers and teams. Take a look and get an overview of the most important rules and special features of the CITY SHAPERSM Robot Game on

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FIRST® LEGO® League evaluation sheets updated

For each competition in Central Europe, the teams are evaluated in the individual evaluation categories by judges or referees in the Robot Game using the evaluation sheets. For the CITY SHAPERSM season we have updated these sheets and they are now available online. They can be found under the menu item "Evaluation" in the individual evaluation categories

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FIRST® LEGO® League Final in March 2020

For most teams, the FIRST® LEGO® League regional competition is the highlight of the season where they want to show their best performance. For some, it continues into the Semi Finals and a total of 27 out of 1100 teams goes into the final final of the CITY SHAPERSM season. We are looking forward to organizing a great event with our partner, the Hochschule Offenburg, on Mar 6th and 7th, 2020, which will bring together the best teams

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Free places at FIRST® LEGO® League Junior locations

FIRST® LEGO® League Junior there are still places available for some exhibition locations. The registration remains open until 4 weeks before the respective exhibition date or

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Registration Siemens RoboCup Junior open

Central registration for the RoboCup Junior Qualification Tournaments 2020 is still possible until Nov 30th, 2019 at We are pleased to welcome up to 79 teams to the joint qualification tournament of HANDS on and Siemens AG in Berlin on 29.02. and 01.03.2020 in the A32 - Entrepreneurs Forum.
We are still looking for some volunteers to support us at the Siemens RoboCup Junior in Berlin

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Final spurt for subscriptions to FIRST® LEGO® League & FIRST® LEGO® League Junior

FIRST® LEGO® League CITY SHAPERSM season – at the moment there are 964 teams subscribed. 23 of 81 regions are full, but in all other regions teams may register for the next 3 weeks, as long as slots are available. For the 35 FIRST® LEGO® League Junior exhibitions there are 172 teams registered so far. An overview of available slots

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Honour for long-term partners of FIRST® LEGO® League

FIRST® LEGO® League has grown over the years since we have started the program in Central Europe in the year 2001 and in the meantime we count over 80 institutions from education, science and economy. We are proud of this strong partner base and regularly honour long-term partners. In 2019 we could honour 18 regional partners

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FIRST® LEGO® League team data until Oct 20th

All team coaches have to complete their team´s member data until Oct 20th 2019 in the FLL Coach Login. We gather names, birth dates and

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FIRST® LEGO® League Referee Training

FIRST® LEGO® League Referee Live Training will take place on Oct 11th 2019 on the e-learning platform ILIAS. To prepare the referees for the CITY SHAPERSM season we once again provide this 1 hour video training and

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RoboCup Junior Dates & Volunteer Call

Together with Siemens AG HANDS on organizes one of the 8 qualification tournaments of the students challenge RoboCup Junior. On Feb 29th and Mar 1st 2020 we are expecting teams from Eastern Germany at A32 Entrepreneurs Forum in Berlin. The central registration for all qualification tournaments 2020 will be open from Oct 15th to Nov 30th online
Are you interested in STEM and living close to or in Berlin and have no plans for Feb 29th and Mar 1st 2020?

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FIRST® LEGO® League & RoboCup Junior: instruments of STEM talent promotion

In the welcome address to FIRST® LEGO® League the German Secretary of Education emphasizes the importance of STEM for today´s society! A participation in our programs FIRST® LEGO® League and RoboCup Junior is part of the certification criteria

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Experimenta is looking for Project Manager for "Girls´ Day Academy"

Our partner Experimenta gGmbH in Heilbronn is looking for a project manager for the Girls´ Day Academy as soon as possible. This is aimed at female pupils in grades 8 and 9 who enjoying science and technology. It takes place at five schools in the city and district of Heilbronn within one school year, usually in the afternoon as a working group. Therefore you should be available for at least 2-3 afternoons per week.

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Register status FIRST® LEGO® League & FIRST® LEGO® League Junior

Since April there 810 teams have registered for the FIRST® LEGO® League Season CITY SHAPERSM. 10 of 83 regions are already completed, in all others subscriptions are open until Oct 13th 2019 the latest or as long there are places available: For the 35 FIRST® LEGO® League Junior exhibitions there are 114 teams registered until now.

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Scholarships for FIRST® LEGO® League & FIRST® LEGO® League Junior

With the help of supporters we are able to offer scholarships for our educational programs. There are still 3 FLL scholarships available from RS Components. And some partnerships between existing and new FIRST® LEGO® League and FIRST® LEGO® League Junior teams which we call “Bring a Friend”. This program is supported by SAGE Foundation.

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Kickoff Videos: FIRST® LEGO® League & FIRST® LEGO® League Junior

With the beginning of the new school year you may find videos giving a deeper insight in the new program topics on our YouTube Channel. During FIRST® LEGO® League CITY SHAPERSM and FIRST® LEGO® League Junior BOOMTOWN BUILDSM you may explore the design of the buildings of the future and how to shape a better future together.

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Innovations at FIRST® LEGO® League

For FIRST® LEGO® League there have been profound changes compared to former seasons: we will regularly make you aware about the most important ones under the Hashtag #NEUbeiFLL on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Topics will be e.g. the new manuals, the software, new rules etc. Stop by!

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FIRST® LEGO® Questions & Answers

In order to have the same information base on the tournament day everybody (teams, organizers, referees) may inform on one central FAQ web page. Until the FLL Final we will collect and publish all updates and explanations about Robot Game, Research Project and FLL in general there. Please check regularly what is new and important! If you have questions yourselves please contact us via e-mail or through our Facebook Page.

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Jumpstart Workshops for new Coaches

Together with our partner non-profit Nano Giants Academy we offer “Jumpstart Workshops” for new FIRST® LEGO® League Coaches in September! All program aspects will be facilitated – so the participating coaches may set a solid foundation for longterm success of their teams in the first season. There are still places available for the events in Darmstadt (7.9.) and Leipzig (21.9.). You may subscribe online.

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FIRST® LEGO® League Junior in the Class Room

At the same time, FIRST® LEGO® League Junior covers many of the important learning content that is relevant to primary schools: the children learn to express their ideas, to find solutions in the group, to communicate with others and to present their ideas on a topic from the STEM area! By engaging in STEM topics, children acquire initial knowledge of technical and digital education. For schools we therefore offer the package “FIRST® LEGO® League Junior – In the classroom”.

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In about one week it is going to start again! On Aug 1st 6 p.m. the missions and building instructions will be released for the CITY SHAPERSM and BOOMTOWN BUILDSM Season. The most important information will be available on our websites for FIRST® LEGO® League and FIRST® LEGO® League Junior.

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Register status for FIRST® LEGO® League and FIRST® LEGO® League Junior

Since April there 630 teams have registered for the FIRST® LEGO® League Season CITY SHAPERSM. 9 of 83 regions are already completed, in all others subscriptions are open until Oct 13th 2019 the latest or as long there are places available.

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Scholarships for FIRST® LEGO® League and FIRST® LEGO® League Junior

With the help of supporters we are able to offer scholarships for our educational programs. 

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“FLL in the Classroom” for metropolitan area Leipzig

The educational programFIRST® LEGO® League is very often an afterschool activity. We would like to get the project into the classroom and have raised funds from the State Saxony

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Contribute: Guess the missions

The #CSGuesstheMissions contest is open until July 30. FIRST® LEGO® League Teams are called to submit a 30-seconds or less video guessing one of the CITY SHAPERSM missions

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Central Europe Champions „SAP Rocket“ complete their career masterly

In Sidney (Australia) team SAP Rocket from Dresden was able to gain the Champion´s Award at FIRST® LEGO® League Asia Pacific Invitational Championship. They out on top through a field of 48 teams from 45 countries

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Win smart camera

Pupils and students watch out! You still have free capacities in your summer holidays and you would like to perform a technical project?

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Register Status FIRST® LEGO® League and FIRST® LEGO® League Junior

Until Oct 13th the subscription for our educational programs is open. There are 84 FIRST® LEGO® League Regional Tournaments in the season 2019/20 and therefore we have listed 458 teams. Six regions are already completed, in the others there are still places available

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Scholarships for FIRST® LEGO® League and FIRST® LEGO® League Junior

With the help of sponsors, we may support teams taking part in our educational programs with scholarships. This time RS Components is providing 10 Full Scholarships for the participation in FIRST® LEGO® League. Furthermore, the SAGE Foundation supports 2x10 partnerships

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FIRST® LEGO® League Jumpstart Workshops

For (new) coaches there is a great opportunity which we would like to share. In copperation with our partner NanoGiants Acemdemy e.V. there will be FLL Jumpstart Workshops this summer. They deliver topics as process of the challenge, evaluation categories, LEGO MINDSTORMS Robots, Research Project, but also aspects like teamwork e.g. choosing the suitable team members, supporting team spirit and project management for kids. The following dates are available

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General Q&A for FIRST® LEGO® League updated

The missions will be published on Aug 1st which includes the rules for the Robot Game and the other evaluation parts. Nevertheless, there are Questions & Answers that are valid all year long and come back all the times - that is why we have updated our Q&A area. It is worth a look also for experienced teams:

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Shipment of challenge material

From July 30th 2019 we will start sending out the challenge materials for CITY SHAPER and BOOMTOWN BUILD in Germany with the help of our logistical partner Christiani, in Austria with AustroTec and in Switzerland with Educatec! Further details about the shipping in other countries will be announced via email. After that we ship weekly

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Winners of Offseason Challenge

After the season is before!" That is why we have asked all FIRST® LEGO® League teams to shorten the time until next season starts with a video contest: the Offseason Challenge. 11 teams have entered contributions proven their Know-how, creativity and communication skills. The 3 winning teams have been chosen by the judges

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FIRST® LEGO® League & FIRST® LEGO® League Junior Registration Open

Since April 8th, 2019 the subscription for the educational programs is open again. 258 Teams have already registered for the 84 FIRST® LEGO® League Regional Tournaments that will start into the season 2019/20. 3 Regions are completed already, teams may register in all others until Oct 13th

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New Topic: Building a better Future together

Although registration is open yet, the missions will not be published before Aug 1st, 2019. But we can at least name the topic: for FIRST® LEGO® League and FIRST® LEGO® League Junior teams the season 2019/20 is about buildin

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FIRST® LEGO® League Junior as classroom project

At the same time, the junior program covers many of the important learning content that is relevant to primary schools: the children learn to express their ideas and to find solutions in the group. The children communicate and present their ideas on a topic from the STEM area - which they have previously implemented together in a LEGO® model and a team poster - pure teamwork! By engaging in STEM topics, children acquire initial knowledge

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FIRST® LEGO® League internationally successful

End of April 5 Central European Teams attended World Festival in Detroit (USA) and received some compliments from the judges: TövisASAP reached the last round for the Champion´s Award and received a wonderful 2nd place award. GoRobot received 2nd place for their programming and became 3rd out of over 100 teams in Robot Game. The B.Robots received the Special Judges Award

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Off-Season Challenge Judges start evaluation

In total we received eleven submissions from teams for the off-season challenge. At the moment the judges are checking all entries. Until end of May winners will be determined and informed and from early June we will share videos on our YouTube Channel!

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Team Talentum qualified for Semi Final of Global Innovation Award

The slovak Team Talentum received a qualification for FIRST® LEGO® League Global Innovation Award Semi Final! Their research project is an innovation for cleaning clothes during space travel. We will keep our fingers crossed for their presentation at the Global Innovation Awards from Jun 30th to Jul 2nd, 2019 in San José (USA)!

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RoboCup Teams qualified succesfully

Teams from our RoboCup Junior Qualificational Tournament in Berlin have been successful at German Open in Magdeburg early May and 6 of them have also received tickets to European Championship in June in Hannover (D) and team “i-bots” even may go to World Championship in Sydney/Australia. Congratulations to all teams and have fun at further competitions!

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FIRST® LEGO® League Final in Bregenz – the best 27 Teams

On March 29th and 30th the big FIRST® LEGO® League Final Central Europe is taking place at Festival Hall Bregenz (AT). Preparations are running at top speed together with our partner HTL Bregenz. Everybody interested is welcome to join the international Final Central Europe and share the thrill with the teams!

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FIRST® LEGO® League international – teams travelling worldwide

In the season 2018/19 there were 40.000 Teams taking part in FIRST® LEGO® League tournaments all over the world, over 1000 of them in Central Europe. Some of the have the chance to join international Championships as their season peak.

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Off-Season Challenge – Take part and win prizes

After the competition there is a long break for many FIRST® LEGO® League teams until it’s “3-2-1 LEGO!" time again. So that the time until the next season start in August 2019 is not too long, there is now the Off-Season Challenge.

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New season for FIRST® LEGO® League and FIRST® LEGO® League Junior starting soon

From April 8th the registration for both educational programms is opening again. First insights what teams have to expect and the season planning about the new season for FIRST® LEGO® League and FIRST® LEGO® League Junior in 2019/20 are online

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RoboCup Junior 2019 succesful

Our educational programm RoboCup Junior 2019 was a success: With 285 participants and 89 teams we have set a new record and made the location “Urania” in Berlin nearly burst. Impressions can be found online

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Second Half of the INTO ORBITSM and MISSION MOONSM Season nearly closing

All 79 FIRST LEGO League Regional Tournaments and most of the 34 FIRST LEGO League Junior Exhibitions have already been conducted successfully. Also, the first FLL Semi Finals have been run.

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New FLL & FLL Jr. Partners Wanted

Our educational programs successfully promote youth in STEM in various regions in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Switzerland. Nevertheless there are regions where students do not have the chance to take part in our programs so far.

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FLL Global Innovation Award 2019

All FLL Teams from the INTO ORBITSM Season who have developed an innovate solution within the FLL Research Project and have received a good evaluation by judges may apply for the FLL Global Innovation Award. Please hand in a short in English and describe what makes your solution innovative

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How do our programs impact the participants?

We have started an impact survey last December among german speaking coaches of our programs FIRST LEGO League and FIRST LEGO League Junior and have already received some exciting feedback. If you are German speaking coach and have not yet answered our 16 short questions please use the following links to our survey

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EU Project “Robotics4Teens” for FLL Teams

One of our polish partners offers an opportunity for other FLL Teams in Central Europe (EU only) that we want to share. The Project "Robotics4teens" is supposed to take place between September 2019 and August 2020 and involves the cooperation between 3 schools from different EU countries. That includes, holding workshops, organising robotics competitions and encourage exchange between cultures. The aim of the project is to develop and improve key competences of the 21st century

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RoboCup Junior Berlin

The RoboCup Junior Season is running, too. On March 9th & 10th, 2019, HANDS on TECHNOLOGY will conduct the qualification with 285 participants (91 teams) at Urania Berlin. All leagues of the program are offered. The best teams of each league qualify

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Results FIRST® LEGO® League Regionals & FIRST® LEGO® League Junior Exhibitions

The FIRST® LEGO® League regional competitions in Central Europe run until mid-January 2019 and FIRST® LEGO® League Junior exhibitions until late March – find all dates as download here. The evaluations of the individual FIRST® LEGO® League competitions are linked under “Results” on the individual regional websites.

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Further qualification FLL Semis & Final

The best teams of the FIRST® LEGO® League regional competitions qualify for one of the eight semi-finals. From the Semi Finals a total of 26 teams qualify for the final FLL Final Central Europe on March 29–30, 2019 in Bregenz (AT).

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International FLL Competitions

From the FIRST® LEGO® League Final Central Europe the teams can get the qualification for 4 ultimate international competitions as cream topping on the cake for their season. Up to 24 teams from FLL Central Europe can qualify for 4 competitions in spring and summer 2019.

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Off-Season Challenge

After the competition there is a long break for many FIRST® LEGO® League teams until it’s “3-2-1 LEGO!" time again. So that the time until the next season start in August 2019 is not too long, there is now the Off-Season Challenge.

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Call for volunteers RoboCup Junior Berlin

We are looking for (German speaking) volunteers to support us at the Siemens RoboCup Junior on March 9–10, 2019 in the Urania Berlin. The task as a referee in the different leagues of the RoboCup Junior does not require much preparation

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Become a supportive member

Supporting the promotion of young talent with a small contribution is quite simple! As a supportive member in our friends’ association HANDS on e. V. you become a passive member and can support the purpose of the association by your membership fee.

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FLL Questions & Answers

In order to have the same information base on the tournament day everybody (teams, organizers, referees) may inform on one central FAQ webpage.

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Record-breaking FLL Registrations

Until Oct 21st 1093 FLL teams have registered in 78 Central European tournaments. That is a new peak! Now the teams are working hard on their robots and research projects!  The first tournament is taking place on Nov 14th and the last regional tournament takes place on Jan 19th 2019.

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Calling for volunteers for RoboCup Junior Berlin

You are interested in STEM, you are from around Berlin and you do not have plans for Mar 9th and 10th, 2019? We are looking for volunteers supporting us at Siemens RoboCup Junior at Urania Berlin.

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Slots available for FLL Junior Expos

For FLL Junior there are free slots for some oft he expo locations: Halle (D), Regensburg (D), Prag (CZ), Bad Radkersburg (CH), Zentralschweiz (CH), Zurich (CH), Freiamt Aargau (CH) as well as Vorarlberg (AT). Subscribe for FIRST® LEGO® League Junior and discover space with your elementary school team during MISSION MOONSM season.

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FLL Referee Training available for community

On Oct 26th we have exclusively offered the FLL Referee Training for Central European Referees. The video is now available on our YouTube Channel as both a support for referees, organizers and teams. Take a look into it an get an overview about the most important rules and specialties of the INTO ORBIT Robot Game.

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Do good for others while shopping

Different plattforms provide the opportunity for non-profits to collect donations from online shops connected to the purchase of supporters. Support us by devoting your christmas shopping to HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V.. Take a little detour while you shop online over Gooding (e.g. by implementing reminder toolbar) or AmazonSmile.

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FLL Final in March 2019

For most of the teams the FLL Regional is the highlight of the FLL Season, where they want to present their best performance. Some of them proceed to the Semi Finals and only 27 of over 1000 teams may reach the FLL Final as the closing of the INTO ORBITSM Season. We are looking forward to organize a great sesaon closing event on Mar 29th and 30th 2019 together with our partner HTL Bregenz (AT) at Festival Hall Bregen, where the best teams from Central Europe come together.

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FLL and FLL Junior Season 2018/19 – Registrations

Since April, 978 teams have registered for the current FIRST® LEGO® League Season INTO ORBITSM. 25 of 79 regions are fully occupied so far. The registration will be open until Oct 21st, 2018. For the FIRST® LEGO® League Junior Season MISSION MOONSM, 132 teams have registered.

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FLL INTO ORBIT - Space insights

The FLL Seasonal topic is about living and travelling in space and challenges teams to find solutions for astronauts. Your team does not have a clear direction for its FLL Research Project?

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Enter FLL Team data until mid October

All team coaches have to complete their team´s member data until Oct 26th 2018 in the FLL Coach Login.

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FLL Referee Training

The yearly FLL Referee Training will take place on Oct 26th 2018  on a new E-Learning platform called ILIAS.

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FLL Volunteering

You would like to be part of our educational programs FIRST® LEGO® League and FIRST® LEGO® League Junior and hence to support the promotion of young talents? You have a technical, educational or IT background?

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FLL Junior @Home

Your FLL Junior team would like to experience the challenge but does not have the opportunity to join one of the expositions?

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Image video

Who is working behind the scenes of HANDS on TECHNOLOGY and what ist he idea of the non profit? 

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FLL Expert Interviews – First two Episodes Online

FIRST® LEGO® League is more than robots! Teams are competing in four different categories. Learn from experts about the most important things of each category.

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FLL and FLL Junior Season 2018/19 – Registrations

Since April, 760 teams have registered for the current FIRST® LEGO® League Season INTO ORBITSM.

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Alexander Gerst Sends his Wishes From Space

Alexander Gerst wishes all FLL and FLL Junior teams good luck! Matching this year´s topic he sends his greetings directly from the ISS which is in the earth´s orbit.

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Too old to participate in FLL Junior? – New Information on the Website

You've had a lot of fun with the FIRST® LEGO® League Junior but now you are too old to participate? No problem!

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New FIRST® Core Values

The American foundation and idea giver for the two educational programs FIRST® has updated the core values ​​for FIRST® LEGO® League and FIRST® LEGO® League Junior.

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FLL and FLL Junior Season 2018/19 – Registrations

Since April, 683 teams have registered for the current FIRST® LEGO® League Season INTO ORBITSM.

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FLL and FLL Junior – Shipment

Since July 24, 2018, the FLL Challenge Sets INTO ORBITSM as well as the FLL Junior Inspire Sets MISSION MOONSM are shipped.

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FLL and FLL Junior Kick-Off

August 1, 2018, 4 pm, the challenge materials will be published. Find the building instructions, the missions and ...

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FLL Website – Facelift

For the kick-off, the FLL website will appear in new colors and with a customized layout.

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FLL Junior – WeDo 2.0 Sets for Lending

Again, there will be the opportunity for totally new FLL Junior teams this season to lend a LEGO® Education WeDo 2.0 set from us.

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RoboCup Junior – Seasonal Schedule After the Summer Break

The RoboCup Junior is in the summer break, now. After September 15, 2018, the seasonal schedule will be published ...

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FLL and FLL Junior Season 2018/19 – Registrations

Since April, 503 FLL Teams have registered for the current FLL Season INTO ORBITSM. 7 regions are already booked-out. For the FLL Junior Season ...

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FLL and FLL Junior Season 2018/19 – New Regions

We are delighted about 10 new FLL partner and 22 new FLL Junior partner in this season. We warmly welcome the FLL partners in ...

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FLL Conference Calls

As in every FLL Season, we accompany FLL Teams and FLL partners with conference calls to different topics.

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FLL Challenge Sets HYDRO DYNAMICSSM on Offer

You want to use the time until the kick-off for practicing? We recommend our offer. The FLL Challenge Sets HYDRO DYNAMICSSM ...

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FLL Teams from Central Europe at Further Tournaments – Achievements

The best teams from Central Europe successfully participated in the FLL World Festival in Detroit (USA), the FLL Open Invitational Central Europe ...

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On our own Account – GDPR

Since May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force. We adapted our Privacy Policy on our websites.

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FLL and FLL Junior Season 2018/19 Registrations

Since April, 218 FLL Teams have registered for the current FLL Season “INTO ORBITSM”. For the FLL Junior Season “MISSION MOONSM”, 17 teams are registered. (status: May 14th, 2018).

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Sea sun + fun Robotics Camp in Greece

The FLL operational partner from Greece, eduACT, organises a 1-week robotics summer camp for children aged 6-16. Participants have the chance to share their FLL experiences and

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FIRST® LEGO® League Open Invitational Central Europe 2018

The FIRST® LEGO® League Open Invitational Central Europe 2018 will be an unique experience and an extraordinary adventure for 68 outstanding FIRST® LEGO® League teams from 40 countries globally.

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FLL Season INTO ORBITSM and FLL Junior Season MISSION MOONSM Registration Started

Since Monday, April 9th, the registration is open for the FIRST® LEGO® League Season INTO ORBITSM and the FIRST® LEGO® League Junior Season MISSION MOONSM.

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Innovations Regarding the Registration to FLL

From this season on, teams with only 2 members are allowed to participate in FLL. Furthermore there is a new regulation regarding the age limit.

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New Website for FLL Junior

For FIRST® LEGO® League Junior there is a new website. Find all information about the junior project as well as the registration to FLL Junior at:

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Campaign Bring a (Young) Friend – FLL Teams Attract FLL (Junior) Newcomer

Also in the FLL Season 2018/19, we would like to ask already existing coaches to bring new teams into the FLL program.

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Review of the FLL Final Central Europe in Aachen

Great impressions and good memories of the FLL Final Central Europe in Aachen are captured in a photo gallery on Flickr and our website.

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FLL Teams Participate in Further Tournaments

Out of the best teams of this year´s FLL CE Final, a total of 18 teams will participate in further tournaments in Detroit (USA), Debrecen (HU), and Tallinn (EST).

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FIRST® LEGO® League Off-Season

You can´t wait for the kick-off? Then, use the time to experiment with robots and get prepared for the research topic and the team activity.

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FIRST® Global Challenge – Teams are Wanted

Teams from Austria, the Czech Republic and Switzerland are wanted for the FIRST® Global Challenge (FGC).

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RoboCup Junior – Review

There are good memory impressions of our educational program RoboCup Junior (German only) which took place March 10th and 11th, in Berlin. Find the photo impressions on our website and on Flickr.

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FLL Global Innovation Award – Application Open Until 11 March, 2018

The deadline for the FLL Global Innovation Award is coming closer. We want to remind all teams with an innovative HYDRO DYNAMICSSM research solution

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FIRST® LEGO® League – First Teaser of the new Season INTO ORBITSM

The first short teaser of the new FIRST® LEGO® League Season 2018/19 INTO ORBITSM is online.

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FIRST® LEGO® League Junior – Further Exhibitions

There are great international events awaiting the FLL Junior Teams in the current AQUA ADVENTURESM Season 2017/18:

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FLL Open Invitational 2018 – Press Release

The first press release for the FIRST® LEGO® League Open Invitational Central Europe (#fllopen2018) is published.

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Second Half of the HYDRO DYNAMICSSM and AQUA ADVENTURESM Season is Running

70 FIRST LEGO League Tournaments and 11 FIRST LEGO League Junior Exhibitions have already been conducted successfully in this season.

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New Regions Wanted

Our educational programs successfully promote youth in STEM in various regions in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Switzerland.

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Publish Your FLL Research Project

We want to encourage all teams to publish their FLL Research Presentation in their own language. Because publishing the research results belongs to being a real researcher.

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FLL Global Innovation Award – Application Open Until March 11, 2018

You are a FLL Team who has developed an innovate solution within the FLL Research Project? If yes, use it for applying for the FLL Global Innovation Award.

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FLL Coaches – Call for Video Portraits

FLL Coaches have an important role in every FLL Season - they are the organizational head as well as the motivator of their teams!

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FLL Open Invitational 2018

Teams around the world are qualifying for a world wide open FLL Tournament. In the meanwhile the preparations for the FLL Open Invitational 2018 are in good progress.

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RoboCup Junior – Number of Registrations

The RoboCup Junior Season (German only) is running, too. On March 10 & 11, 2018, HANDS on TECHNOLOGY will conduct the qualification with 267 participants...

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FLL Season 2017/18 Registrations

For the FIRST LEGO League Season “HYDRO DYNAMICSSM” a total of 1022 teams have registered. For the FLL Junior Season “AQUA ADVENTURESM” ...

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Start of the FLL Regional Tournaments

Last weekend, the FIRST® LEGO® League Regional Tournaments started in Nuremberg (D), Heidelberg (D) and Yverdon (CH).

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FLL Qualification Mode

The best teams of the FIRST® LEGO® League Regional Tournaments qualify for one of the seven Semi-Finals.

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Overview of FLL Robot Game Scores Hydro Dynamics from all Teams in Central Europe

An overview of the achieved scores of all teams from Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Switzerland in the Robot Game "HYDRO DYNAMICSSM" ...

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FLL Open Invitational Website Online

208 days to go! HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V. together with National Instruments will host the world's open FLL Open Invitational 2018 in Debrecen, Hungary.

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RoboCup Junior Registration Possible until November 30th, 2017

Interested teams, whose members are between 11 to 19 years old, can register for the RoboCup Junior (qualification in Berlin) until November 30, 2017 at (German only).

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RoboCup Junior certified in STEM Area

The “MINT-EC-Zertifikat” (German only) is a quality certificate for extracurricular achievements and is awarded by the KMK (German institution responsible for public interests in education) and...

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FLL Season 2017/18 Registrations

Since April, 993 FLL Teams have registered for the current FLL Season “HYDRO DYNAMICSSM”.

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FLL Robot Game – FAQ to M02

Several questions have reached us regarding the problem with M02 (Flow): the big water does not fall to the opposite playing field due to the border being too high.

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Trainings for FLL Regional Partners, Referees, and Judges

In preparation for the first FLL Regional Tournaments which will start November 18th, we offer the following trainings for FLL Regional Partner, FLL Referees, and FLL Judges:

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FLL Junior – Conference Call for Regional Partners

In order to carefully prepare our Regional Partners and their experts we conduct a conference call Oct 25th, 2 to 3 pm.

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FLL Volunteering

You have fun to be part of our educational programs FIRST® LEGO® League and FIRST® LEGO® League Junior and hence to support the promotion of young talents?

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FLL Teams Get a Discount When Buying an EV3 at Christiani

FLL Teams can buy a LEGO® Mindstorms Education set consisting of EV3 Set, EV3 Expansion Set and a charging cable at our partner Christiani.

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Do Good While You Shop Online

Now thinking of buying Christmas gifts? For all who are so commendable: you can easily support us with a free donation. Simply go to (for German supporters only),

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FLL Season 2017/18 Registrations

Since April, 870 FLL Teams have registered for the current FLL Season “HYDRO DYNAMICSSM”.

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Enter FLL Team Data Until October 20th

October 20th, 2017 is the deadline for FLL Coaches to enter their team´s data completely in the FLL Coach Login.

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FLL Regional Partner Meeting in Leipzig Successfully Conducted

September 14th and 15th, 2017, FLL Regional Partners from Austria, Czech, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Switzerland have met in Leipzig.

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FLL Training for Referees

For all FLL Regional Partners and FLL Referees, training will be offered October 27th, 2017, from 4 pm to 5 pm.

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First FLL Alumni Campaign Completely Published

Since May 2017, 7 FLL Alumni videos have been published (German only, English subtitles will follow).

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Dates for the new Season of RoboCup Junior

The robotics competition RoboCup Junior starts with a new season. HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V. will again organize and host the qualification tournament in Berlin

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FLL Season 2017/18 Registrations

Since April, 616 FLL Teams have registered for the current FLL Season “HYDRO DYNAMICSM”.

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Shipment for FLL and FLL Junior Sets

Starting August 22nd, the FLL Challenge Sets „HYDRO DYNAMICSSM“ as well as the FLL Junior Inspire Sets „AQUA ADVENTURESM“ will be shipped.

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FLL Conference Calls (in German only)

August 31st, 2017, 4–5 p.m., the FLL Conference Call „Introduction FLL Robot Game“ will be offered (German only).

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FLL Open Roberta Pilot Tournament

At the FLL Regional Tournament Königswinter (DE), FLL Teams can use the coding platform Open Roberta within FLL for the first time.

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FLL International Open Championship in Bath – Achievements of FLL Central Europe Teams

The FLL International Open Championship (IOC) „Animal Allies“ took place June 21st–25th, in Bath (UK).

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FLL Final Central Europe – Changed Date

The FLL Final Central Europe „HYDRO DYNAMICSSM“ takes place March 17th–18th, 2018 in Aachen (DE).

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FLL Open Invitational Central Europe 2018 hosted by HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V.

HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V. is delighted to announce that we will hold the world-wide FLL Open Invitational Central Europe together with National Instruments in Debrecen (HU).

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„FLL in 1 Day“ – Event in Eindhoven (NL)

Our partner SteamUp will run the event „FLL in 1 day“ as part of the Maker Faire Eindhoven (NL)

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FLL Season 2017/18 Registrations

Up to now, 364 FLL Teams have registered for the current FLL Season “HYDRO DYNAMICSM” (status: June 21st, 2017).

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Partial Scholarships for FLL and FLL Junior: Promotion “Bring a Friend” and “Bring a Young Friend”

There is still capacity within the promotions “Bring a Friend” and “Bring a Young Friend” – FLL Teams bring new teams into both the FLL Program and the FLL Junior Program.

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FLL Open European Championship in Aarhus – Achievements of FLL Teams from Central Europe

From May 25th to 28th, 2017, the FLL Open European Championship (OEC) took place in Aarhus with a total of 120 teams from 50 countries and 5 continents.

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FLL International Open Championship in Bath

From May 25th to 28th, 2017, the FLL Open European Championship (OEC) took place in Aarhus with a total of 120 teams from 50 countries and 5 continents.

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HoT at the FLL Operational Partner Conference

HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V. is busy preparing the current FLL Season “HYDRO DYNAMICSSM”. In this context, we are participating

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FLL Referee Expert Team founded

Together with two long-term FLL Enthusiasts HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V. has founded a FLL Referee Expert Team to answer the FAQ for the FLL Robot Game.

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FLL Alumni Campaign started

On the occasion of the 15th jubilee of FLL in Central Europe, we have asked FLL Alumni to report on how FLL has influenced them and what FLL Moment they like to remember the most.

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Instructions for a Minimal Core EV3

Our partner, the Nano Giants Academy e.V. – founded by former FLL Participants with many years of experience – has published a manual (German only) for building a minimal core of the EV3 set.

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Application as “Digitale Schule” – Deadline June 30th

Schools which are honored as “MINT-freundliche Schule” (German for “STEM fostering school”) by the initiative “MINT Zukunft schaffen” (German for “create STEM future”) can apply for the award “Digitale Schule” (German for “digital school”).

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FLL Season 2017/18 Registrations

Since April 10th, 2017, 182 FLL Teams have registered (status: May 19th, 2017). 3 FLL Regions are almost full.

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New FLL Regions

The FLL Regions Tirol (A), Baden-Baden (D), Heidelberg (D), Lingen (D), Gorzów Wielkopolski (PL), Lublin (PL), Stalowa (PL), Miskolc (HU) are hosting a FLL Regional Tournament for the first time this year.

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FLL Conference Calls

As in every FLL Season, we accompany FLL Teams and FLL Coaches with conference calls to different topics.

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FLL World Festival in St. Louis – Achievements of FLL Teams from Central Europe

8 FLL Teams and 1 FLL Junior Team from Central Europe participated in the FLL World Festival in St. Louis (USA) from April 26th to 29th, 2017.

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FLL Open European Championship in Aarhus

The FLL Open European Championship will take place from May 25th to 28th, 2017 in Aarhus (DK).

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Survey on the Impact of FLL

We are always interested in getting to know how FIRST® LEGO® League is affecting the participant...

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Open Roberta – Pilot Tournament FLL Königswinter

The Fraunhofer Initiative „Roberta – Lernen mit Robotern“ (meaning: Roberta – Learning with Robots) together with the Initiative „Jeder kann programmieren“ (meaning: everyone can code) developed the project „Open Roberta“.

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RoboCup German Open

In Magdeburg (D), from May 5th to 7th, 2017 the German Championship of the RoboCup took place with the participation of 166 junior teams.

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Girls with robots go ahead

Girls are as passionated as boys when it comes to First Lego League and robots.

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FLL Season 2017/18 ,Hydro Dynamics' started this Monday

The new FLL Season 2017/18 under the theme “Hydro Dynamics” started on Monday, April 10th 2017, with the registration.

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Review of the FLL Final in Regensburg on Youtube

Great impressions and a good memory of the FLL Final Central Europe in Regensburg are captured in a short video on our Youtube channel. To the video.

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FLL Teams participate in further tournaments

Out of the best teams of this year´s FLL CE Final 22 teams will participate in further competitions in St. Louis (USA), Sydney (AU), Aarhus (DK) as well as in Bath (UK).

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FLL Challenge Set to sell

There is a FLL Challenge Set including the roll-out mat for “Animal Allies” for private sale offered (1000 Euro asking price, plus shipping).

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Stories from 15 years HANDS on and FLL - Recall

FIRST® LEGO® League in Central Europe is connected to the non-profit organization HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V. since 2002. For our 15th birthday we are wishing for a lot of great stories from former and active teams, coaches, partners and board members that joined our activities during this time period.

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Conference for more girls and women in STEM organized by LJBW

To discuss possibilities how the participation of women and girls in STEM areas can be fostered the conference “MI(N)T-einander” (a word mix of the German equivalent for STEM and “together”) will take place from May 12th to 13th in Dresden (Germany).

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Volunteering at international FLL Events

This year there are several international FIRST LEGO League Competitions closing the FLL Season finally and we are allowed to qualify FLL teams from our final

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Big FLL Final Central Europe in Regensburg (D)

The FLL Teams have researched and tinkered their robots for four month. The effort was worth it! 250 students out of over 6500 challenge participants made it to the big final

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Final spurt for ‚FLL Global Innovation Award‘ pre-application

You are a FLL team that succeeded at a regional or Semi Final with it´s research project with this year's topic "Animal Allies”? Then use your presentation again

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After the FLL Season is in the middle of it

You had fun during FLL Animal Allies and are still not fed up with the topic? So you may be interested joining an FLL off-season event in the Netherlands.

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RoboCup Junior ahead

On Mar 11th and 12th we are looking forward to the next climax in the robotics schedule. At Urania Berlin there are 91 teams competing

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Stories from 15 years HANDS on and FLL

FIRST® LEGO® League in Central Europe is connected to the non-profit organization HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V. since 2002. For our 15th birthday we are wishing for

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Apply as ‘STEM friendly School’ in Germany 2017

To honour the succesful work of german schools in the STEM area the partners of the initiative "MINT Zukunft schaffen (STEM create future)" award schools

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FLL scholarship reports

We hereby announce a call to all scholarship holders ...

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FLL Alumni - Call for films

By the middle of February 2017 we are still looking forward to submitting the alumni videos ...

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The FLL season 2016/17, Animal Allies'

After the regional tournaments of this season ...

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Sale of materials from Mindstorm project

A Berlin agency offers the following materials from the Mindstorm project from season 2013/14 ...

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RoboCup Junior – state of things

Up to 30.11.2016 500 teams with 1,500 pupils from more than 100 locations joined the RoboCup Junior ...

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FIRST®LEGO® League Jr. - first impressions from Rockenhausen!

The first official exhibition of the education program FLL Junior took place on 23.11.2016 ...

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The prize is hot - Global Innovation Award

For the Global Innovation Award HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V. has the possibility to nominate up to 3 teams ...

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FLL further qualification to Semi Finals

In the past two weeks 25 teams have already qualified for the Semi Finals ...

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FLL Regional Tournaments run

Since 18.11.2016 already more than 23 tournaments took successfully place ...

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Christmas break and Christmas shopping

The 'HANDS on'-Team will have the Christmas break from 21.12.2016 up to 03.01.2016 ...

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FLL Registration succesfully completed

The online registration for the robotics and research competition FIRST LEGO League in Central Europe has been completed. A total of 949 teams have registered with more than 7,000 participants. We have thus surpassed the number of participants from last year, which was around 6,300 children and young people. From 18 November 2016 the competitions will start officially, see regional details online. We look forward to all the teams projects and robots!

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FLL "Animal Allies" Questions

Since August 2016, all FIRST LEGO League teams are involved in their research on "Animal Allies" and the construction of their robots. There are always exciting questions in the implementation of the individual tasks...

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FLL Referee Training and Judge Briefing

Volunteers are also preparing for the FLL competitions that will be launched in November. The non-profit HANDS on TECHNOLOGY supports the volunteers...

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Behind the scenes: equipment of FLL Tournaments started

From 26 October 2016 we have begun to equip the regional partners...

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Take part: send in FLL Alumni video

This year FLL is going to its 15th round in Central Europe. A long time – that is why we would like to take a little balance. We are looking for former FLL participants studying today, taking an apprenticeship or already entered “working life“ and share their FLL experience with us and the world. Record a short (maximum 2 minutes) video of yourself answering our three questions...

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FIRST LEGO League Jr. - be part of it

The education program FLL Jr. for 6- to 10-year-olds has started! The children explore an exciting topic in teams, build a motorized LEGO model and design a research poster...

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RoboCup Junior Teams started into season

Together with Siemens AG, HANDS ON TECHNOLOGY will also be hosting RoboCup Jr. in Urania Berlin next year. In varied competitions the teams show football robots, dancing robots and rescue robots...

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Do good while you shop

Support us with your Christmas shopping on the internet at Select HANDS on TECHNOLOGY as your club and your shop. Through your purchase, you will be able to donate free of charge to our association...

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And action: Send in FLL Alumni Video

This year FLL is going to its 15th round in Central Europe. A long time – that is why we would like to take a little balance. We are looking for former FLL participants studying today, taking an apprenticeship or already entered “working life“ and share their FLL experience with us and the world

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Invitation for German team to join FLL Challenge in Lebanon

The FLL Partner from Lebanon would like to invite 7 international FLL Teams to his competition in early March 2017 including one german team. The aim is

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New Educational Program for Elementary Schools started: FIRST LEGO League Junior

For kids from 6-9 years we offer the opportunity to take part in FIRST LEGO League Jr. from summer 2016. Comparable to FLL the teams challenge is to

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Enter FLL Team data until mid October

Oct 21st 2016 is the deadline for FLL Coaches to enter their team´s data completely in the FLL FLL Coach Login. Team data of all team members

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Shipmemt of FLL challenge sets started successfully

On Aug 23rd 2016, one week ahead of the challenge reveal for „Animal Allies“, all paid FLL Challenge Sets are on their journey to teams

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Kickoff FLL „Animal Allies“ knocking on the door

On Tuesday, Aug 30th 2016 FIRST LEGO League teams start into a new challenge round. On kickoff day 4 p.m. the challenge themed „Animal Allies“ will be revealed

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FLL Web & Telephone Conference - Robot-Game „Animal Allies“

On Thursday Sept 1st 2016 between 4 and 5 p.m. we are presenting the FLL Robot Game missions (for German speaking teams)  Web & Telephone Conference

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FLL 2016/17 only limited slots available

The online registration for the robotics and resarch programm FIRST LEGO League is still available until Oct 14th

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Central European teams internationally successful

The FLL World Festival 2016 in St. Louis is over and our FLL & FTC Teams "ReSAP", "mindfactory" und “Return of the Screws“ & „KKST-Girls“ are back home safe and sound. The teams could gather valuable experiences and meet lots of different teams from all over the world.

At the Open European Championship 2016 in Teneriffa we even had 6 FLL Teams competing: „Cassapeia“, „SAPHARI“, „TalentumSAP“, „Caro Aces“, „AttraktivundPreiswert“ and team „Eli-minator-Gang“ – Successes could be gathered e.g. the best 3 ranks at the Robot Game went to SAPHARI, cassapeia, TalentumSAP. Awards where also given to TalentumSAP fort MEchanical Design and to cassapeia & AttraktivundPreiswert for Programming.

The Live Challenge Winner “Freaky Minds“ received at the FLL Final CE a wildcard for the LEGOLAND® North American Open. This competition took place from May 20th to 22nd.

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FLL registration for “Animal Allies”

Online registration for the FLL robotics & science competition is running until Oct 10th, 2016. See all registered teams in the regions:

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New Educational Program for Elementary Schools: FLLJr. 2016/17

For kids from 6-9 years we offer the opportunity to take part in FIRST LEGO League Jr. from summer 2016. Comparable to FLL the teams challenge is to explore a real-world problem to a given topic.

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Qualification for RoboCup Worldchampionship

On May 1st the 16th edition of the RoboCup Junior German Open took place in Magdeburg. 173 Teams from 65 cities started there - 31 of them from the qualifier we organize together with Siemens in Berlin. In total 30 teams could gather a qualification for the Woldchampionship this summer in Leipzig.

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HANDS on meets Intermodellbau Dortmund

170 kids could succeed in programming at our small robotics workshops at the tradefair for modelling „Intermodellbau“ in Dortmund.

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9th German STEM Day in Leipzig

„What are chances, successes, challenges and visions of STEM Education in Germany?“ These and others have been topics discussed at the 9th edition of STEM Day on April 21st at Leipzig Town Hall.

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German schools: Apply as „STEM friendly school”

To appreciate the successful work done at German schools in the STEM area, partners of the initiative "MINT Zukunft schaffen" (STEM provide future) honour schools with STEM focus. 

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More than 4.000 visitors at the FLL Final in Hungary

At the FLL Final Central Europe on March 19th and 20th 26 teams from 6 countries met to win one of the desired qualifications for the FLL World Festival in St. Louis (USA) or the OEC in Teneriffa (ESP). At the same time, our partner National Instruments organized the “Science no Fiction” festival, as an attractive program for children and adults. More than 4.000 guests visited the Kölcsey Center to learn more about robotics, experiences LEGO and see the fascinating Robot Games. You can find the results of the FLL Final on ourwebsite and a short introduction of the best 8 teams on Facebook. A lot of nice pictures of the event are online on Flickr and a timelaps video on Youtube.

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Wanted: new sponsors and partners!

Are you interested in starting an own FLL regional tournament or do you know a company which would like to support children and youngsters? Like Benjamin Franklin said: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.“ Therefore we would like to grow together with you and do something for the future. Promote our educational programs and recommend us to your friends and to the economy. We are looking forward to your contacts and Ideas. Please write to:

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Ho(T), Ho(T), Ho(T) Merry Christmas!

The Year is coming to an end and we would like to say THANKS! for the enthusiasm, commitment and your confidence in us in 2015...

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Want to experience an Italian team?

About the platform eTwinning community you can exchange with the team of Daniele Brioschi about this year's competition. The team consists of boys and girls aged 11-15 years. If you need help, share ideas or want to discuss project solutions, then you turn right on: or to the office ( We are glad to help you in the mediation.

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Read FAQs

Before the first contests start on November 14th, we want to point out again to read the FAQ´s! These are the FLL rules in the first place. Simply click and stay up to date.

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Trophies, certificates and final pitches

Our cellar is full of packages with medals, certificates and trophies for the 62 regional competitions. Some packages are already on the way to the regions, others still need to be fitted. The last playing fields are now going on their journey. Only 10 of  850 pieces are left. Here the before - after picture:

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Evaluation forms online

The evaluation sheets to evaluate the robot games, research assignment, robot design and teamwork are now available on our website By clicking on any subcategory, another text opens. There you will find the link to the respective evaluation form.

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Short video with rule innovations 2015/2016 on Facebook

As part of our online FLL referee training we shot a crisp four-minute short video with the most important rule innovations of the season 2015/1016. Please distributed, post, like the video and give it to all teams. On our facebook fanpage you can find the video. On the coach- and regional partner login the video can also be found. The English version will be available soon. 

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Conference especially for youths – (German only)

In autumn, the project related to IJAB (Bureau for international youth service of the federal republic of Germany in Bonn) will organize the large youth conference "watch your web_Days 2015" in Berlin. 80 young people will be invited with the age of 16 and 21 years. All costs are covered. The aim of the conference is to create an agenda with political demands, such as the consumer protection appropriate for young people can succeed. These requirements should be developed by the young people in workshops, discussions with experts and politicians and finally hand over to Mr. Secretary Billen by BMJV. Of course there is an interesting program, with digital scavenger hunt, cryptoparty and iPad wizard. For more information about the conference please click here.

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Want to share experiences with an experienced US Team „The Green Mustaches“?

How do I program the robot, where can I gain the most points? - All these questions you can directly exchange with the team 11359 "The Green Mustaches" from Michigan. The team is participating the second time in the FLL and thereby has in his first season has scored the most points and won the local competition. The team consists of the coach Ajay, six boys and four girls aged 10-12 years. If you need help, share ideas or want to discuss project solutions then write directly to or We are glad to help with the mediation.

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Missing FLL team data

We are still missing a lot of team data in our database. To all FLL Coaches: Please enter the data for all team members to October 18th 2015 (name, sex and date of birth) in the FLL Coach Login: Optionally, the team data can be supplemented with additional information on the team, as a team picture and short description of the robot and research assignment.

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FLL conference calls (German only)

All FLL coaches we have a conference call on October first 2015 from 15-16 clock to fill you in on the topic "Review FIRST LEGO League". If you are interested please contact us at After logging in, you will get the dial-in numbers for the conference. We are looking forward to an active participation.

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HANDS on office news and upcoming events

Now it really gets going: With three competitions at the same time all the HANDS on staff are busy. In FIRST LEGO League so far around 620 teams have registered and we have pasted, addressed and sent around 511 packages. There is a chance to register no later than October 11th 2015.

To prepare our referee the best for the new season, we organize an online training by the end of October. All referees are invited to come by in Leipzig to our live training. With our newly developed test all referees can check their knowledge. The link will soon be released. For the jury, we have also a test online from the end of October.

The involvement of our regional partners is very important to us, therefore we are currently providing a platform for exchange and networking. First steps towards collaboration showed those looking for a fun and challenging Team - many regional partners contributed their ideas. So we now start to wrap up 60 packages with all competitive materials such as certificates, trophies and medals in order to ship it scheduled.

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FIRST Tech Challenge successfully started

The tasks for the FTC season 2015/16 were published. "FIRST® RES QSM" is this year's competition, in which the robot on a site should collect debris, and rescue climbers among other things. The 14-20 year-old participants compete in teams paired in alliances in competition against each other. The highlight of the season is the FTC competition in Paderborn on 26 - 27th February 2016. Teams can register from August to December. You can find all information on:

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New season 2016 for RoboCup Junior released

HANDS on TECHNOLOGY will host, together with the Siemens AG a RCJ qualification in the Urania Berlin next spring. The online registration for the RoboCup Junior qualifiers starts from October 15 - November 30, 2015. On our website you will find all the important details for the robot competitions. Those who qualify will meet the top 150 team from all over Germany for the final in Magdeburg from 29 April to 1 May 2016. The German champions in three disciplines: Dance, Rescue and Soccer are determined. All qualified teams will travel to the RoboCup World Cup from 30 June to 4 July 2016 to Leipzig.

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Transportation of FLL challenge set

On August 19th all paid FLL playing fields have been transported, just before the FLL kickoff (August 25th, 2015). Please make sure that at the given address the FLL challenge set can be delivered, to save extra transportation costs.

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FLL kickoff / Instruction video

From August 25 at 4 pm the exact tasks of the robot game and the installation instructions for the annual FLL tournament will be published. Like every year, you can find the building instructions for the LEGO models of the FLL playing field online. Visit our website where we provide the specific instructions as downloadable PDF files. As usual we will provide the instructions for the robot game and the research project as a YouTube video, also on August 25th.

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Registration FLL season 2015/16

In March, the registration for the new FLL season begun. Currently already more than 500 teams have registered. The regions are steadily filling up and some are already even full. Register your team now online to save the “best seats”. Check out our website to find out which regions still have free places and which are oversubscribed. The registration for the current season is still open until 11 October 2015.

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Now online available – brand new FLL Robert book (German only)

Together with HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V. the team of "Roberta" has issued a First Lego League guide. In this volume, the FIRST LEGO League is analyzed that inspires more than 200,000 youth active all over the world for over 20 years. Now the guide is online available.

The book was published at the Fraunhofer Verlag. We wish you lot of fun while reading.

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FLL team data

Calling all FLL Coaches: Please enter all data of your team members now (names, gender, birth date) in the FLL Coach-Login until October 18th:

The organizers of the FLL Regional Tournaments need your data & figures to plan the regional tournaments you take part in (e.g. lunch & chairs).

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FLL conference calls (German only)

For all German speaking FLL Coaches we offer a preparatory introduction to the world of FLL. On August 27th, 2015 from 3 to 4 pm the conference call “Introduction Robot Game - Trash Trek” takes place. If you are interested please contact us at After registration you will get the login information for the conference call.

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Registration FTC season 2015/16

Following the successful season of FIRST Tech Challenge last year, we will continue this competition. The tournament will take place in Paderborn. Registration is open from August to December 2015. What is FTC? More information please click:

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FLL Registration successful started

Already more than 200 teams are registered. Register today and safe your pole position.

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New FLL Regions

We warmly welcome 10 new FLL Regional partners in our network.

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FLL Scholarship

Register now and even apply for a scholarship. Just until June 30th, 2015.

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Shipment of FLL Playing Fields

The FLL playing fields for the season "Trash Trek" be shipped before August 25th, 2015. Please check your availability.

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FLL Conference Calls (German Only)

This year there are again the established conference calls (German langugage only). The first one is for new coaches in July.

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International FLL Competitions

FLL World Festival and FLL Open African Championsship completed. Four teams from Central Europe participated successfully.

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FLL season 2014/15 Final CE

The FLL season 2014/15 came in Central Europe to its end in Munich.

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FLL season 2015/16 "Trash Trek"

The theme for the new season is called "Trash Trek".

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FLL season 2015/16 registration

Information about the registration for the FLL season 2015/16.

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FTC 2015 at Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (Paderborn)

Exciting FTC tournament with 16 teams from 6 countries.

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RCJ 2015 at Urania (Berlin)

Looking back for RoboCup Junior qualification in Berlin.

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Sales Action "Pay what you want!"

We sell FLL playing fields from our stock.

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FLL Regional Tournaments almost complete

Until the end of January all regional FLL competions will be completed.

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FLL Global Innovation Award

Register until 10<sup>th</sup> February 2 pm (ET) and win up to 20,000 US$.

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FLL team wanted for international exchange

An international exchange experience for a team from Central Europe is offered.

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FTC application completed

17 teams are registered for the FTC competion at the the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum in Paderborn.

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RCJ teams are fixed

We are pleased to welcome 52 teams at the Siemens RCJ Qualification in Berlin.

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Volunteer Call

For the tournaments Siemens RCJ, FLL Final CE and FTC we are in search of helping hands.

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Start of FLL Regional Tournaments

Upcoming weekend the first FLL regional competitions of the season 2014/2015 are starting...

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Next step in the competition: FLL Semi Finals

Teams reaching top ranks at FLL Regional Tournaments will be able to qualify for the next stage...

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FLL Coach of the year

To look after a FLL Team is not an easy thing! Again this year...

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FLL Global Innovation Award

We are often asked, what will happen with the outstanding presentations and innovative solutions...

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FLL Final in Munich

The closing of the FLL season is the large FLL Final Central Europe for which 24 teams...

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Too old for FLL, but still not fed up with robotics?

Teams that have grown out of FLL and want to go on with robotics may move over to FIRST® Tech Challenge (FTC) directly...

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Finish line for FLL Registration is near

The free slots are rare until 10/10/2014 the registration for FLL 2014/15 FLL is possible.

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Enter FLL Team Data

Until 10/31/2014 all teams should have entered their data.

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FLL Questions & Answers (FAQ)

Many questions about the robot games are reaching us. The most important ones we publish on our website.

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FLL Conference Calls (in German only)

The last two conference calls are close -the next is on 10/16/2014.

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RoboCup Junior Season 2015 is open

From 10/15/2014 the application to the RCJ Qualification Tournament is open.

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Helper Call for Volunteers

We are looking for volunteers during the competition period.

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Kickoff FLL Season 2014/15

Tomorrow it will be happening! On Tuesday 26 August 2014 the starting signal for FLL “World Class” is released at 4 p.m.

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Shipping of FLL Challenge Sets

Last week the shipping of the FLL Challenge Sets "World Class" has started.

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Registration FLL Season 2014/15

The registration for the current season is still open until 10 October 2014.

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FLL „World Class“ building instructions

Like every year, you can find the building instructions for the LEGO models of the FLL playing field online.

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Registration FTC Season 2014/15

Following the successful pilot season of FTC last year, of cause we continue this competition.

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Change in management

After 13 years of managing activities in the organization HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V. Astrid Müller adopted on 31 July 2014 from the association guidance.

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EN Beitrag

Mehr als 60 FLL Regionalwettbewerbe werden in der kommenden Wettbewerbssaison von November 2014 bis Januar 2015 stattfinden

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